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Logic Analyzer Products

We have two USB-powered logic analyzer products. Both can acquire data at up to 500MSample/s (even faster with the Ant18e), both are supported by free software and both include a free user-level programming package.

The 8-bit Ant8 is the least expensive and ideal for solving problems such as "Is the RD# signal active before RESET# goes inactive?"

Ant8 Logic Analyzer

The 18-bit Ant18e adds width and now you can answer questions such as "Are the address bus bits 7 to 0 stable when the RD# signal goes active?"

The Ant18e features asynchronous and synchronous clocking. Like the Ant8, it can acquire data in timing mode - in time with its own built-in clock. The Ant18e can also acquire data in state mode - in time with the clock on the equipment being examined.

The Ant18e also offers higher speed operation (up to 1000MHz - 1GHz), a far deeper acquisition memory, transition sampling, and frequency and event counting.

Ant18e Logic Analyzer